Everyday we are undulated with scores of advertisements on ways to develop your children’s brains. Your children are not talking early enough? Maybe they need more DHA and fish oils in their diet. They are not reading books at the right age level? Perhaps an intensive reading boot camp is the answer.
While some children may have nutritional or learning deficiencies that need those solution, researchers have found a better way that works with almost every child. Best of all, it’s free, simple, and something you can do today.
Researchers found that children’s early language exposure influence the development of linguistic skills, cognitive abilities, and academic achievement. It is not the quantity of of words they hear, but the quality of the verbal interaction. What this means is that instead of talking to your children, have a conversation where both of you take turns to talk.
Obviously the type of conversation you can have depends on the children’s age. For toddlers, you can repeat and expand their sentences to increase their vocabulary. When they are older, the conversation can be open-ended “who, what, where, when, and how” questions. You can also let older children initiate the conversation about things or topics that interest them. This can be about the book that they are reading, news that they heard, or what is happening in their lifes. The content of the exchange is not as important as the opportunity for them to increase their linguistic exposure and develop social interaction skills.
So try this tip today and develop the habit of conversing with your children. This will build their brains and your bond with them without spending a single cent.
Source: https://tinyurl.com/y5k7jl2e