No man is an island. For children with gifts and talents, making friends may pose to be a challenge due to their advance language skills, preference for complex games, and emotional sensitivities. In fact, they may get bored among their age peers and fail to see the need to build social connections.
Researchers have found that gifted children’s mental age are higher than their actual age. Hence an 8yr old child with the mental capabilities of a 12yr old may feel more comfortable among older children and other gifted children than among their age group. Without the right interactions, a gifted kid may grow up feeling socially inept and isolated or even experience bullying.
Here are some tips to help your gifted child.
1) Arrange playdates based on interest and abilities instead of age
If your children enjoy a particular activity, look for older or like-minded peers who share the same interest. As their mental and/or physically capabilities are more advanced than their age, children with gifts and talents will be able to make connections easier with peers with similar development level.
2) Finding like-minded group of friends for your children
In Singapore, enrichment programs are readily available for children of all ages. However, they tend to segregate the class based on age instead of abilities. Make sure you have a good idea of what your children’s gifts and talents, then look for a program which groups them based on achievement level.
3) Address the root of the problem
If despite putting them in contact with like-minded peers your children are still having issues making social connections, they might have other issues that require professional intervention. If you need help to better understand your child’s social and emotional development, message us to book a consultation session with our academic director.
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